... и это пройдёт.
16% Eastern European
84% Anglo Saxon
Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.
Intelligence 6.2
Average Intelligence
Risk 5.1
Average Risk
Ambition 6.1
Average Ambition
Gay Factor 1.6
Very Low Gay Factor
Honor 4.6
Average Honor
Politeness 5.2
Average Politeness
Income 6.5
$30,000 - $50,000
Sociability 5.0
Average Sociability
Promiscuity 3.2
Low Promiscuity
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84% Anglo Saxon
Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.
Intelligence 6.2
Average Intelligence
Risk 5.1
Average Risk
Ambition 6.1
Average Ambition
Gay Factor 1.6
Very Low Gay Factor
Honor 4.6
Average Honor
Politeness 5.2
Average Politeness
Income 6.5
$30,000 - $50,000
Sociability 5.0
Average Sociability
Promiscuity 3.2
Low Promiscuity
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